How videogames shaped my path in life
I just finished watching “The Art of the Game” (embedded below), a documentary about the evolution of digital games as the dominant media format. Me and computer games go back a long way. I…
Why Israel Is A Startup Nation
Israel has a population of 8.1 million and yet has more companies listed on the NASDAQ than any country outside the U.S.A, except China. A book released a couple of years ago called Startup…
After reviewing 300 startup applications, this is what I learned
In a previous post, I wrote about why and how you should join the 500startups accelerator (or any premier accelerator program, for that matter). I briefly mentioned that I’ve been given access to provide…
Post mortem: Why and how you should apply to 500startups
A couple of months ago, I wrote about our first week in the 500startups accelerator program. With the program now officially (?) over, I wanted to share my experience with it and help interested…
The ABC of raising your seed round
After failing miserably to raise 18 months ago, digging deep and bootstrapping our way to profitability, we made another attempt earlier this year and got a huge break by getting into 500startups. We are…
Why we stopped raising until we no longer need the money
Note: This now has a follow up post about how we successfully raised our seed round. There’s a well known mantra in the startup world that I used to believe in – “Launch early”.…
Finding co-founders – Technical founder POV
First, a prelude – though I’ve mostly written technical articles on this blog, it’s called techfounder for a reason – it was my original intention to also talk about startups from the view-point of…
Software licenses for dummies
The legal aspects of selling software are, for the most part, pretty vague for most developers. During preparations for launching our software market, Binpress, I absorbed a lot of information from our very good…
You Are Only As Good As The People You Work With
As I’ve mentioned previously, I work freelance developing web projects in addition to acting as CTO at my start-up Octabox. Freelancing as a web developer is pretty profitable business nowadays, however it is too…